CNN’s Don Lemon had some things to get off of his chest on Monday night, blasting anti-lockdown protesters (one such rally in Pennsylvania drew about 2,000 people) for undermining the contributions of essential workers who are “keeping your city going” and “keeping your loved ones alive.”
“It makes me so angry,” Lemon said while ranting to CNN colleague Chris Cuomo. “There’s an army of people…an army of immigrants and people of color and poor people who are keeping this city running. They are disinfecting offices, they are cleaning people, they are changing bedpans and they are working and those people are out there complaining because they don’t have haircuts? Who the hell do you think you are?”
“If you’re so upset about it, you should be mad at the President because he’s the one that’s supposed to help your small businesses,” Lemon continued in visible frustration. “I understand that people are hurting…but there are people who are frontline workers, who have to get out there…those people are at the grocery stores who didn’t expect to have their lives be placed in danger…they’re driving buses. You’re slapping the faces of health care workers who put their lives on the line every day because you want a haircut, you want to go play golf?”

Lemon, who was clearly fed up at this point, also called out the protesters who came to rallies armed, with guns strapped to their chest. He also made sure to point out that as much as they had the right to protest, he better not be hearing from none of the anti-lockdown crowd protesting with guns when the next individual peacefully takes the knee to protest police violence and racial oppression.
“Don’t criticize people who are taking a knee at a ball game…when you’re out there protesting with guns,” Lemon railed.