Claudia Jordan got a foot makeover and she recently opened up about the experience. During a chat with BET, Jordan dropped the details about her new and improved feet.
“I’ve been trying to hide and cover these corns for decades!” she said. “I finally went to a doctor eight years ago for a consultation, but the process seemed so barbaric to me that I never followed up with the surgery.”
The Fox Soul personality has been open about her insecurities relating to her feet over the years. Jordan’s feet also drew much unwanted attention from watchers and social media commenters, which she said made her self-conscious.
The former Real Housewives of Atlanta star and talk show host, 49, explained how she developed corns on her toes. She recounted how running track, long jumping, and competing in spikes as a youth caused trauma to her toes. A modeling career, which started at 17, also contributed to her foot challenges.
“Although I was a size 9.5 shoe, on several occasions I was styled in shoes as small as a size 7.5!” she explained. The TV personality also added that she’s been wearing heels since the age of 14 or 15.
“For 8-hour days on set, my toes were crammed in a very unnatural and uncomfortable position. It was awful!” she shared. “After years of this, my toes became deformed and in a permanently clenched position. This is what hammer toes are. It’s when your toes are actually deformed on the skeletal level and it takes surgery to fix it.”
Corns and calluses happen when something repeatedly rubs against your foot or causes excess pressure. The skin around the affected area thickens to protect your foot from irritation. Corns are usually located at the top of your foot, while calluses happen at the bottom. When the skin gets too thick, corns and calluses can become increasingly painful.
Jordan went to a podiatrist named Abraham Wagner, DPM, who has also worked with other reality stars. The surgery can cost anywhere between $2,000 and $10,000 depending on the number of corns you want removed, according to Jordan.
“It’s going to help my confidence and it’s also one less thing the social media bullies have on me,” she said. “But seriously, I am so glad I did this and I really appreciate Dr. Wagner.”
To help others, she gave words of advice about how to prevent corns from developing.
“The best way to avoid corns would be to not sacrifice your comfort for vanity,” she said. “Some of these shoes that cost the most money are the most damaging to our poor little toes. Now, I go for more open-toe shoes where my feet can breathe and not be so constricted. I also wear sneakers a lot more. I show my feet more love.”