The NAACP is about to celebrate their 100th Anniversary next week as one of the oldest civil rights organizations in American history. But the celebration won’t mask how the organization’s CEO and President, Ben Jealous is feeling about the current plight of African Americans. Jealous outlined a human rights agenda on Tuesday where he more than expects support and participation from President Barack Obama, according to The Associated Press.
Board members of the NAACP agree that being our nation’s first Black president won’t stop them from holding Mr. Obama accountable for his promises regarding changing civil rights in this country and feels it gives them no advantage in having their agenda met. Jealous expects President Obama to address several issues in the next year including ensuring fair distribution of federal bailout funds, programs and contracts; alleviating double-digit black unemployment; stop lenders from pushing minorities with good credit into subprime mortgages; reducing the disparity between unsolved homicides in minority and white communities; ensuring that minority children have access to good schools; and referring to their prepared list of federal to local level judges when vacancies need to be filled.-WLW