Good news – ESSENCE’s “Ask An OB-GYN” series is back to bring you very public answers to some of your most private questions. When sexual and vaginal health concerns arise, renowned Obstetrics and Gynecology physician Dr. Tosha Rogers wants to ensure you have the answers you need to feel at ease. If you have a sexual health concern or question you want to swing her way, we’ve got you covered. Email [email protected] with “Ask An OB-GYN” in the subject line and ask away!
Q: I have multiple sex partner. Even though I’m using protection, can this throw off my vagina’s PH balance?
A: If the sex with multiple partners is protected, it’s not likely the multiple partners that are the issue – it’s the condom. Please don’t misunderstand my statement. Of course, I want you to wear condoms. But usually, the “lubricant” on the condom is a spermicide, which unfortunately is an irritant for a large percentage of women. It can cause swelling, pain during intercourse, itching, burning and it can also cause vaginitis. I usually recommend that if you don’t have any lubrication issues, try to use nonlubricated condoms to avoid the spermicide and thus the side effects.