If you’re looking for a sign that it’s time to do better with managing your time, this is it. And suppose you think optimizing your time better isn’t worth the effort; it’s essential to know that people who struggle with time management are more likely to experience burnout, anxiety, distress, and chronic sleep deprivation.
The good news is that you can optimize your time regardless of the demands on your schedule. Time optimization works for the boss, employee, student, parent, empty nester, entrepreneur, and everyone.
There are three practical ways you can do to get started with improving how you manage your time. Each of these is sustainable practice suited to help you get started.
Preview and plan your upcoming week in writing.
Previewing your week each week allows you to see the upcoming demands on your time. When previewing your week, narrow your focus to what is necessary for the upcoming week alone. Planning your week includes writing out meetings, appointments, due dates, necessary work and defining what success looks like for you at the end of the week.
The Weekly Preview Planning Pads from Best Today® allow you to incorporate weekly planning into your life seamlessly.
Plan every day (the day or night before) in writing.
When planning your day include the following: What time you will wake up, what you will do for yourself when you first rise, what you will do within the day to prioritize your mental, emotional and physical health, the necessary results and outcomes to accomplish within the day, and how you will close out your day.
Planning your day sets you up to begin each day with intention and a roadmap. An added benefit of proactively planning your day is allowing you to place better boundaries within your day. You are less likely to let distractions take you away from what you have already defined as most important.
Best Today® offers a variety of options to help you to plan your days with intention.
The Today’s Results & Outcomes Pad allows you to capture everything in your day in one place: the next steps, issues, and dates that need to be added to your calendar. They are available in three sizes so that you can choose what best suits your needs.
The My Daily Plan Pad allows you to define your rise time, morning and evening routines, what you will do for your health each day, define your top priority, and list your necessary results and outcomes for the day. This single tool has helped thousands of customers worldwide remove overwhelm from their daily lives. If you are new to planning out your days consistently, one of the Best Today® daily planning pads is a great place to start.
Prune to honor your current season.
You cannot say “yes” to everything. Narrowing your focus based on the season you are in allows what is most important to flourish so that you can maximize the opportunities of your current season of life.
The Best Today® Guide, a 14-week undated guided planner, incorporates pages to help you get clear on what matters most and what needs to be pruned from your schedule. The Guide also includes pages to plan your weeks and days. With customers in over 25 countries, the Best Today® Guide has helped thousands to proactively and sustainably optimize their time.
Today is the best day to choose to take control of your time. What resources will you choose to get started? All products are available at besttoday.co.