Pregnancy is one of the most special times during a woman’s life.
Unfortunately, however, COVID-19 has changed the typical journey that most moms-to-be have always experienced. In addition to spouses and partners no longer being permitted in the delivery room (for the time being), moms having to breastfeed in masks, and having to hire virtual doulas, with social distancing practice in place, many moms-to-be have been forced to cancel in-person baby showers.
It’s no surprise that everyone keeps saying these are “unprecedented times.”
And besides for the obvious reasons, this can be disappointing for moms who are on this journey for the first time—because there is nothing like your first time. But as friends, there are still a few ways to make our loved ones and moms-to-be still feel as loved and as special as they’d always imagined before they head into the big day.
Here are a few ways to celebrate the special mom in your life, in lieu of an in-person baby shower.
Throw a virtual baby shower.
It may not be exactly the same, but it’s better than nothing. And it’s a wonderful alternative to allow guests to celebrate from a distance without harming mom or baby (because it’s better to be safe than sorry). You can still play baby shower games, sip cocktails (not if you’re the mom, sorry!), interact with loved ones, and truly show up for the mama to be. Platforms such as Zoom and WebBabyShower make it more bearable to simulate the traditional baby shower experience by having all of your loved ones in one place at the same time. With Zoom becoming increasingly popular, it’s important to note, unless you have an account you only get 40 minutes for free. While WebBabyShower is also another Web platform that specializes in online baby showers and offers step-by-step instructions for organizing a virtual baby shower—for a fee of course. What makes this one special however, is that it even allows you to customize your site, invitations and guestbook and include links to your baby registry, games and more.
Buy a few items from her gift registry.
Despite women having to cancel their baby showers as a result of COVID-19, parents-to-be still need essential supplies — many of which they were probably hoping to receive during their baby shower. With millions forced into unemployment due to the global pandemic, it’s a hard time for everyone. But if you can afford it, you should. And if you need a few options, here are a few examples of what should be on your list.
Chicco’s Activ3 Jogging Stroller

Delta Children Sweet Slumber Bassinet

Perry Mackin Luxury Diaper Bag Essentials Gift Set

Cybex’s Spring Blossom Yema Carrier

Leave her love notes.
What exactly is a baby shower? It’s about showering the mom with love. And if you don’t have the opportunity to be there with her in person, you and your friends can fill a jar with love notes and inspiration for the mom-to-be. She’ll still feel loved and appreciated, and if she’s feeling down at any moment during the remainder of her pregnancy, she can read them as a constant reminder of the village she has supporting her in her life.
Host a Sip & See.
Not all moms want a virtual baby shower—and that’s okay. But if you’re a friend on the baby host committee (or were for the original shower), you can still plan a perfect day for mom after the special day has arrived. By this time she should be in better emotional spirits and the country is back up and running. And the best way to celebrate is with a Sip & See (as it’s affectionately called). This is the baby’s introduction to friends and family after he or she has been born. The event still gives mom the opportunity to be showered—just after the fact. And by the looks of COVID-19, this may be the safest opportunity to wait until everything has died down and social distancing guidelines are no longer in play.
Arrange a drive-by shower.
Quarantine has been making all of us get extra creative. So it’s no surprise that a drive-by baby shower would actually be a thing. This way, mom can see and experience all of the loved ones she has in her life by simulating what would have actually been her special day. Coordinate with friends and family to still come out on the day of the original shower, place two boxes on their step/balcony—one for diapers and one for gifts—and arrange for “no touch activities” that friends and loved ones can do from their vehicles.