When it comes to purchasing any product that’s designer, there is usually a resale value attached to it. This all can be determined by the wear and tear, how long you’ve had the product, and the initial value of the item itself. If you’re lucky, the product can increase in value or have a very small deduction, however, if you choose a “passion pick,” you may be stuck with a four thousand dollar bag only being resold for a few hundred bucks. This is why investing in designer is truly that, an investment. And you want to be very meticulous about how you invest.
Today, popular resale retailer The Real Real released its Luxury Resale Report, which includes important facts to consider before making the big purchase. What designer bag is winning the race in 2019? Gucci with a close Louis Vuitton follow up. “From Gucci’s bold maximalism to Louis Vuitton’s streetwear influenced designs, both brands feel unique among a crowded field of luxury labels vying to win with millennials,” said Rati Levesque, the COO at The Real Real. Brands like Staud and Sandy Liang are some of the most-searched emerging collections as well.
What’s trending? According to The Real Real everything. Of course, mini bags leading that conversation with a 544% + increase within the last year. Chic hair clips following with a 378% + increase. And you can’t forget about the lucrative street-wear market. “Gender neutrality and statement-making pieces are really striking a chord with millennials, but we’ve also seen growth among women and Gen X contributing to the current streetwear demand spike,” said The Real Real’s Sneaker and Streetwear Expert, Sean Conway. Yeezy leading the way as the most search streetwear brand with their shoes increasing by 622% + this year.
No matter what designer dud you have decided on, it’s always smart to do a little research on the brand itself. Who knows, you might be able to sale it for double. Check out The Real Real’s Luxury Style Report here.
Shop our favorite resale finds below.