We all struggle with the sexy.
Maybe you gained a little extra cushion; just had a baby; bad breakup; recently divorced; and/or you’re dead broke. Regardless, you lost your sexy, and you are not alone.
After I had my daughter at the age of 40, breastfed for almost 2 years, gained 40 pounds, I not only lost sexy, I also lost Karen. It was a self-discovery and journey to put the pieces back together for a mo’ sexier and confident ‘brand’. If I can do it (work-in-progress), you can also.
Sexy is power, confidence and ownership. It’s that feeling when you walk into a space/room and know you are perfectly poised, polished and absolute about your personal ‘brand’ and that is the best feeling. Owning the sexy is everything for women, especially sisters. If your sexy isn’t right, the game is O-F-F.
Recently, I had dinner with a few friends: exhausted mom, single sister, carefree college student and dedicated career gal. The conversation had the same thread — “I lost self and gotta get back to sexy.”
It was reassuring to hear the lament that single mommas lose sexy also. But, enough whining already.
Reset and Reboot
It was time to power up, get a group together and rush off to pole-dancing class as virgins. According to Ashley Fox, owner of Foxy Fitness and Pole Training Studio, “Pole dancing is a combination of exercises and the best way to push body to the limit and engage mind, body and spirit. When you pole dance, the focus is on you to discover the inner beauty and staying in the moment to create sexy and sensuality. No experience necessary. Just an open heart and mind.” Remember, baby steps count.
My tips to getting back sexy:
1) Work the core. Pole Dancing is for you to tap into your inner Goddess and push beyond limits.
2) Wash off the old thoughts. Take a lavender bath to reinvigorate the mind.
3) Groove to music. Play your favorite Maxwell song from Urban Hang Suite and simply dance.
4) Go Bold. Cut and color your hair and start anew.
5) Get in ‘touch’. Know what makes you feel good, push the right buttons to pleasure and get to happy.
6) Spa day. Go for all the trimmings with a paraffin manicure to get the hands back to sexy.
7) Yoga and meditation. Understand you are worthy of a timeout and breathe your way back to beauty.
8) Revive your style. The beauty counter at Sephora and MAC are waiting to give you a makeover for FREE.
Karen Taylor Bass is Chief Mom at The ‘Brand’ New Mommy and author of the ultimate book for moms reinventing post childbirth, The ‘Brand’ New Mommy: From Babies To Branding To Bliss, with a foreword by Jill Scott. Follow her on Twitter.