To quote Aretha Franklin, who put it best on the official soundtrack, “Sometimes it hurts to love so bad. (When you know you’ve given all you can) Sometimes it hurts to even laugh. (You do your best but it’s still much too sad) Sometimes the pain is just too much. And it hurts like hell. That’s the way it feels.” Enough said.
In the end, Savannah learned something that every woman should. You should never get involved with a married man and then believe him when he promises to leave his wife and put a ring on your finger instead. This scenario is the definition of empty promises.
After on too many, Bernie couldn’t resist picking up the phone to call her ex and give him a piece of her mind. Instead, when his new girlfriend answered, things got pretty ugly, fast. Thankfully before she could go too far, her girls shut it down and found a way to left her spirits again.