
Get First Lady Michelle Obama’s Body

We checked in with fitness trainer to the stars Kacy Duke to get the insider scoop on achieving and keeping a fab body like the First Lady.

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The First Lady didn’t make it on “Maxim’s Hot 100” list recently for nothing. Mrs. Obama’s athletically toned physique has become her trademark and for good reason. At 45, the mother of two boasts a figure many childless 25-year-olds envy. We checked in with fitness trainer to the stars Kacy Duke (kacydukefitness.com) to get the insider scoop on achieving and keeping a fab body like the First Lady.

Duke on Healthy Living: The first step is adopting the right mindset. Michelle accepts who she is and honors her body. You have to come from a place of self-love first. Understand that this is the body that you have and honor it no matter how flawed you might think it is, before you go about transforming it. Remember your body has taken you through childbirth and breakups and all of life’s other highs and lows.

Duke on Stereotypes of Black Women: Black women often turn to comfort foods (carbs, fried foods) and eat based on emotion. The notion that Black women are meant to be big is ridiculous. We are naturally curvy, so working out will not force anyone to lose their curves. Working out allows you to sculpt your curves. Losing your shape should be the least of your worries when trying to get fit. Even larger women can have beautiful lines. Michelle has a beautiful lower body that she is not ashamed of but she is still toned.

Duke on Getting the Best Workout Bang for Your Buck: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Do sit-ups and push-ups at home. Park farther away at the mall so you can sneak a power walk in before you enter the building. Instead of purchasing free weights, use filled 1-quart water bottles for lifting. You can even freeze them to make them a little heavier once you get started.

For more fitness tips from Kacy Duke, pick up her book, “The Show It Love Workout” (McGraw-Hill) at amazon.com.